Friday, July 23, 2010

Hello all. We invite you to follow along with us as we take our journey to China to pick up our daughter Lily. We'll be journaling our way through our trip. Our estimated departure date is August 11th with our return expected around the 26th. We'll know exact details next week. We welcome your comments and encouragement. We especially welcome your prayers for the Lord to be in every detail of our trip and the journey that continues after we return.


  1. She's beautiful. God bless you all and keep you safe on your trip. We look foward to meeting Lily.~Peter, Donna, Emily and Caroline

  2. you have our prayers for sure, scicchitano family! we love you guys and can't wait to meet lily as well!
    sarah for the keparutis family

  3. Lily is truly beautiful. We can't wait to welcome her home. Our prayers are with all of you for a safe journey. - Love, Dad & Eileen

  4. We'll be praying!!! We can't wait to meet her. What a blessing addition she will be to your family. Not to mention a friend for Eden!

  5. I am so happy for you! We attend a post adoption support group at Parsons twice a month(for the past 7 years). You're welcome to join us if you wish! It's helpful to talk to other adults (they have separate activities for children/siblings) who have families created through adoption.

    Love, Patty Pulver

  6. Yea!! We can't wait to meet Lily and will be praying for you all along this journey. We love you all dearly!
    ~ The Baileys

  7. Yay! I can finally comment. It's so easy. Looks like things are going well for your family. Lily is adorable.Gracie's surgery done now- can see update on our blog. I dreaded the arm restraints but she has quickly figured out how to do what she wants to even w/ them. I put them under her long sleeper sleeves at night so I don't have to hook the strap behind the back and so she can roll to her tummy etc. We'll be praying for your process. Take care - Dan & Michelle
