Saturday, September 10, 2011

Long Overdue Update ~ Summer 2011

Emerald Isle 2011

"Lily mermaid"

"Eatin' a corn muff"

Easter 2011

Yes, this update is long overdue. Much has happened since last November. Lily's lip has healed up beautifully. There will be more surgery in the future to fix her hard palate and deviated septum, but they are quite a way off. Lily has been the kind of girl that knows who she is and what she wants from day 1. She just seemed to blend right in with our family. As this year has progressed we've seen her become more comfortable and really claim us as her own. We are so very grateful for this smooth transition. We celebrated Lily's 2nd birthday in July and a year with her in August. I'm trying to upload a video of her birthday song and candle, but if it doesn't work out it'll be on facebook.

It's been a great summer for Lily. We've been camping up in the Adirondacks and took a trip to the beach in North Carolina. She loved the ocean after getting over the noise and made friends with the seagulls, throwing bread to them. She would giggle as they caught pieces in the air. She seems to make friends with people everywhere she goes. She gained a fan club of kids at camp who would look for her at the pool and at meal times. As we walked up & down the beach she just couldn't help herself, she just had to say hello to everyone she passed. People and dogs alike she would win them over. We returned home just ahead of "Irene," stopping to see Uncle Johnny and cousin Faith and went for a rainy walk through the DC Zoo.

These days in the Scicchitano house Lily is potty training & the boys are homeschooling. We're still figuring out what will work for us as it is our first year. There are so many things to do and be involved in. Dan & Nick go to a homeschool consortium 2x's a week for math, writing, chinese, guitar, piano, & aikido. We do language arts, science, & history at home and participate in a LEAH group twice a month. The boys are enjoying being home and I'm enjoying having them home with me. Life is too precious and soon they'll be grown. This affords us more time to be a family as Dave's schedule isn't a traditional 9-5 one.

So, it's been a wonderful 1st year with our Lily. She's added a whole new dynamic to our family. She brings positive energy and it's humorous to watch "tween" boys dote over a little girl (and I'm not just talking about her brothers, but their friends too =D). I'll continue to post updates & pictures as Lily grows as often as I can, so stop back in occasionally if you like. Thankful for the many blessings in our lives and giving all the honor and glory to our Lord Jesus.