Surgery went so well. Better than we expected. We went in at 7am and were ready to go home by 1pm. Lily went off with the nurse for surgery with a smile on her face, but when we went into the PACU we could hear her screaming down the hallway. She was steaming mad about having those elbow restraints on, and she hadn't eaten for nearly 20 hours. We got her some water and the screaming stopped and she settled down like a dream.
Her brothers couldn't wait to see her when they came home from school. Nicholas said right away that she has a different look to her now. She has a cute little button nose and her eyes even appear different. It didn't take long after we met her in China that we didn't even notice her cleft anymore. Even though we are so glad to see her lip repaired, we kind of miss "our Lily." Daniel said he misses her big, wide smile. Kinda' hard now, but she'll be smiling again once things heal up. She ate a big bowl of cream of wheat when we got home and had some of the chicken dish that our friends,the Bailey's brought over. She always finds a way to get some food in.
Dr. Fox gave her a local anesthetic which is supposed to last 8-12 hours. That means any time now she'll start feeling discomfort. Although we started alternating Tylenol and Ibuprofen since 1pm today. Hopefully, that will make a difference. She's in sleeping with Dave now.
Thank you everyone for your prayers and support. Once again, our God is amazing and has answered our prayers in bringing us through this time. We are blessed beyond measure.
~Sue for the family.